
I have three goals in mind, as my images develop:  1) to make interesting sculpture that brings the viewer into my world of imagination;  2) to think out-of-the box when working on new themes and series;  3) to use trial-and-error methods to make the fragile materials durable enough to become Fine Art. This is sometimes challenging, but always illuminating.

My art offers me a sense of accomplishment, independence, and freedom.

Nannette Clapman Blinchikoff

The Runner
Lost in the Woods
A Holocaust Memorial
Mirrors and...
Healing Process
Paper and...

Nannette Clapman Blinchikoff is a sculptor, art instructor, tutor, mentor, author, Business-of-Art lecturer, and has been an active member of Maryland’s Visual Arts community. Her sculpture can be found in public and private art collections, and has been seen in numerous local, national, international exhibitions, and included in the Women Artists of Maryland. 


Thought-provoking art review

1979: Baltimore Sun newspaper | Runner’s section

April: Nannette Blinchikoff has a futuristic sculpture of a runner  (arm, leg, hand, face) on display at the Running Center. The work was carried up to the Boston Marathon by Running Times and received very favorable reviews while on display there.

June: The Running Center featured a terrific piece of sculpture, produced by Nannette Blinchikoff, until some half-baked potato trooped into the store one day, screamed something about Zen Buddhism, and did a smash job on it.*

      * The damaged sections were restored


The Runner | Resin